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  • Mountain Bike Hill Climb Race: Real 2D Arcade Dirt Racing Games

SwitchMountain Bike Hill Climb Race: Real 2D Arcade Dirt Racing Games+NSP本体下载


     Mountain Bike Hill Climb Race is an exciting, 2D action Bicycle driving game based on real physics with funny cartoon graphics and parallax scrolling. Drive your mountain bike through paths and hurdles over beautifull hills and amazing mountains. It is a very addictive, simple 2D game, yet challenging to play. Use the left control stick to lean back or forward and the right control stick to speed up and slow down.

    Make stunts, run through jumps and flips, lean back on a rear wheel drive while browsing the 42 challenging levels available now. Go uphill or downhill on glaciers in the mountains and dangerous slopes with obstacles like tree trunks and rocks. Discover extreme sensations on a half pipe or pyramid in a snow resort to achieve the best time. The more you play, the better you become in handling the bicycle at high speed, but accelerate with caution as you may have a steep fall or sharp rising around the next corner. The challenge lies in landing savely on just two wheels and mastering the handling of your bicycle in order to become a 2D simulator stunts champ. So don't wait any longer, perform different cycling stunts, tricks and indulge yourself in this cycling excitement to get an adrenaline rush through the huge, beautifull mountains and hills!
    Mountain Bike Hill Climb Race: Real 2D Arcade Dirt Racing Games
    Very addictive physics based bicycle driving game!
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    Mountain Bike Hill Climb Race: Real 2D Arcade Dirt Racing Games 资源列表
    • NSP
      • [010003C01491A000][1.0.0].nsp 美版 本体 系统版本:12.1.0
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