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    Interact with the story of World War I (the Great War) and World War II by solving puzzles, finding land, naval, and anti-tank mines, and win the war!

    Play a real minesweeper in an entirely new way! The classic minesweeper game was reinvented in a way you've never seen before!

    Clear minefields in a variety of different scenarios and guide soldiers to victory!

    Help clear the ground to build medical camps, airstrips for fighter planes, and more.

    If you like puzzles, minesweeper, World War I and World War II stories, and are looking for simple, minimalist fun, this is your game.

    Interact with the story of World War I (the Great War) and World War II by solving puzzles, finding land, naval, and anti-tank mines, and win the war! Play a real minesweeper in an entirely new way! The classic minesweeper game was reinvented in a way yo…
    • 开发商:
      The 6-month initiative
    • 发售日期:
    • 解密
    • 桌游
    • 策略
    • 教育
    战争扫雷合集 资源列表
    • NSP
      • [0100B24017AA6000][1.0.0].nsp 美版 本体 系统版本:13.2.1
      • [0100B24017AA6800][1.0.1].nsp 美版 升级补丁 1.0.1 系统版本:14.1.0
    下载声明: 本站资源均有第三方用户自行上传分享推荐,非本站自制,仅供玩家做交流学习之用!切勿用于商业用途!游戏作品版权归原作者享有,游戏资料来源于互联网,如有版权问题,请附带版权证明至邮件(suan@g3yx.com),本平台将应您的要求删除。


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